Saturday, October 28, 2006


Well I did it, finally signed up. This blog'll be full of me wittering about things like my Triumph TR7, the car restoration software I'm trying to write, as well as a tiny bit about life. Possibly.

I'm going to a Halloween-cum-Guy-Fawkes-Night party this evening. We go every year. My friend's dad is gatekeeper or something at Calke Abbey in Ticknall, Derbyshire, and him and some other friends blow up half a field.


Johnny Ong said...

u changed name as u blog?

Unknown said...

I'll explain. Many moons ago, an aquaintance once called me George, because she thought I looked like George off Drop the Dead Donkey (A British sitcom). At the time, I'd just got hold of a modem, which ran at the bedwetting speed of 14.4k, and I needed a username. So was born MarknotGeorge...