Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Has it been that long?

I suppose so. A quick catch-up:

  • I turned 35. Wahey. At least I managed to go out, get pissed and still catch my bus home. Which is more than my mate Paul did.
  • Started dismantling the brakes on my TR7, so that I can fix the handbrake and take it outside to jetwash the underneath. Photos in my gallery.
  • Karen's business has seemed to explode in the last week or so. I've been helping her by putting new products on the website.

Reading lots of blogs. It seems that the NHS ran at a surplus. Why? Surely the NHS should only just break even. From where I'm standing, I see £510m that's not treating patients. It'd be interesting to see what NHS Blog Doctor has to say.

Speaking of GPs, I agree that to see a doctor out of hours should incur a nominal charge, if only to stop the ingrown toenail brigade. Plumbers charge extra.

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