Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Canley news

Development on Canley, my car restoration management program, proceeds in fits and starts, but I managed to get a fair bit done last night.

Here's a screen shot. I've still not done the parts tree, but I've moved the photo area to it's own tab. This gives more space for notes.

The second screenshot shows the restoration tab in more detail. It needs fine tuning but you can see that the top list shows all the tasks that need doing to the selected part, where as the bottom list will show supplies and spare parts needed.

Still to do:
  • The parts tree.
  • A wizard for adding parts.
  • Help system.
  • Reports.
  • Other stuff I haven't thought of yet (Suggestions welcome).
  • A bit on my website about it. Come to think of it, my website does need some work.

It will be ready when it's ready.

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