Saturday, November 11, 2006

Is there a PS2 shortage?

Recently my PS2 died. I can't complain. I bought it off eBay as faulty, had a fiddle with the insides with the help of one of those guides I found on that interwebby thing, and it worked fine for a while. Now it's died, I stuck it back on eBay to someone who can be bothered to have a bit more of a fiddle, or strip it for parts.
To replace it, I ordered a silver one out of my mum's Kays catalogue, to match the cable box, video, etc. Later that week, we ordered a 3-piece suite to replace the one my inlaws coerced us into having offered us from a friend.
This was four weeks ago. We've had a call about the suite, which will be delivered next week. Would've been this week, but their lorry broke down, apparently. But no PS2. First they said 14 days, then on or around the 30th October. So where is it? Surely it's too early for the Christmas rush?

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