Saturday, March 24, 2007

I hate short changeovers

I've just finished nights, and next week I'm on days. I do two weeks of days where I get up at sixish and get home anywhere between 4pm & 6pm; followed by two weeks of nights, starting at 8:30pm and getting home around 5am. Except Friday nights, where I start and finish 2 hours earlier.
This means I have four different kinds of weekends:
  1. days-days, which is a normal weekend
  2. days-nights, which is almost an extra day (I try to get a bit of kip in on the Monday, but not always)
  3. nights-nights, where being a family man, I have to turn my body clock around for a couple of days
  4. nights-days, which is like losing half your weekend (especially this week, when the clocks go forward).
    I embark on a week of nights by having a lateish night Sunday, getting up at about 8am-ish (when the kids go to school), hopefully getting a couple of hours kip in the afternoon, and then hammering my body clock into submission by working all night. It takes me a couple of days to get the swing of things, which means that by the end of Friday night (about 3-4am), I'm still wide awake. I can't sleep straight after work at the best of times. I can't usually get to sleep before 5ish, so I don't wake up again till half of Saturday's gone. Bah.
    Then again, Easter weekend is a type 2 weekend, so I've almost got a 5 day weekend. Bargain.

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